The Talentcenter

Vocational Orientation 16+

The decision about which vocational path to take should be well-considered as it has an impact on the rest of your life. There are many options for further education: field-specific or general schooling, apprenticeships in a wide range of industries, various courses of study at the college level and many other forms of education. “Vocational Orientation 16+” from the Talentcenter shines a light on the opportunities that are right for YOU and YOUR interests and strengths.

Information on Vocational Orientation 16+


People 16 or older with little or no vocational experience.


We would like to delve into your abilities and skills in order to help you find the right educational path.


Interests and tendencies, linguistic and mathematical abilities, logical thinking and reasoning, memory and concentration, career-relevant personality traits, technical and commercial comprehension, personal environment and life circumstances


The newest scientifically founded testing methods on the computer and a psychological advising session to discuss the test results clarify plans for your career and life in general.


Test procedure: about 3 hours, Advising: about one hour (separate appointment)


Talentcenter of the Styrian Economic Chamber
Körblergasse 111-113, 8010 Graz

Cost contribution

€190 incl. advising (separate appointment)

Contact Person

Vocational Orientation 16 +

Discover your talents

Other age groups?

Talentcheck 13 to 15-year-olds