The Talentcenter

Internationally Acclaimed

After three successful years and around 18,000 school-aged youth tested, the Talentcenter was named “Best education and training project” by the “International Chamber of Commerce” in Brazil. The Talentcheck is supported by the most modern technologies and, through our cooperation with the University of Graz, offers vocational orientation at the highest scientific level. Thanks to this opportunity, unique in Austria, for students to discover their own interests, talents and potential, the Talentcenter has received international recognition.


The process

Your talent in three steps


Here, teachers can register a school or a grade 7 or 8 class as part of a school-based event.


In order to participate in the Talent Check, students must first complete a pre-evaluation in school.

Testing & Talentreport

The Talentcheck takes place at the Talentcenter and takes around four and a half hours. The next day, the young people can check their personal Talentreport online.

The Talentcenter

To move forwards, you must first know where you stand.

With the new Talentcenter, the WKO Styria, together with its scientific partner, the University of Graz, has created something unique within all of Austria: A total of 48 testing stations are available to delve into the interests, talents and potential of 13 to 15-year-olds in the 7th or 8th year of school, right on the cusp of making decisions about their training or profession.

The Talentcenter of the Styrian Economic Chamber

The Talentcenter of the Styrian Economic Chamber sees itself as an orientation platform which supports young people in schools and training programs so that nothing stands in the way of an optimal start to their careers.


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Motor skills & Receptivity

  • Manual dexterity
  • Receptivity
  • Hand-eye-coordination
  • Responsiveness
  • Fine motor skills

Cognitive abilities

  • Logical thinking with numbers
  • Retention
  • Logical thinking with shapes
  • Basic mathematical ability
  • Fluency
  • 2D spacial acuity

General skills & career-specific knowledge

  • Practical mathematics
  • German ability
  • English ability
  • Physical and technical comprehension
  • Organizational talent
  • Digital knowledge

The Talentcenter

Platform for Vocational Orientation

Education and training are of central importance in Austria. Our school and vocational training programs prepare young people for life. However, when it is time to consider their profession and career, there is often a lack of orientation for youth. On the other hand, companies increasingly struggle to find suitable employees.

The Talentcenter of the Styrian Economic Chamber sees itself as an orientation platform which supports young people in schools and training programs: It offers youth assistance in making the decisions to find a training program that is both right for them and will lead them to their goals.

An eventful half day

Including the greeting, testing, breaks and dismissal, the takes around four and a half hours. Teachers are supported on-site in preparing and carrying out the event by the Talentcenter Team. The students are accompanied through the test course by Guides. The program includes:


From spacial acuity, though fluency to number and shape sequences, cognitive abilities are illuminated from all sides.

Motor Skills

Finesse, body coordination and dexterity are needed at the motor skills stations in order to paint a holistic picture of tendencies and Talents.

Factual knowledge

Game-like computer tests precisely assess knowledge in areas such as mathematics, German or English, but also IT skills.

Technical Proficiency

From technical comprehension to organizational talent – specialized skills and individual strengths and filtered and analyzed at the Talentcenter.


The electronic workstations at the Talentcenter focus on receptivity, retention and concentration – qualities that could be decisive in the labor market of tomorrow.


All test results are available to participants for 36 months. The so-called Talent Report also contains suggestions for occupations with different educational paths.







The vocational orientation methods at the Talentcenter were developed as part of a research project at the University of Graz and are still being further developed and refined. Various testing stations are set up at the Talentcenter and the equipment includes installations, PCs with touchscreens, compact workstations, a presentation area and motor skill stations, as well as a break room and “relaxation zone”. The goal of all of this is to examine students’ personal interests, motor skills and receptivity, cognitive abilities, general skills and career-relevant knowledge.


Following a brief pre-evaluation at school, the day at the Talentcenter – including greeting, testing, breaks and dismissal – takes around four and a half hours. The students are accompanied through the test course by Guides and undergo assessments of their cognitive abilities, motor skills, general skills and career-relevant knowledge. At the end, everyone receives a certificate. The individual Talentreport for each student can be retrieved after the visit using the student’s chosen user name and password via Login Talentreport .


Education and training are of central importance in Austria. Our school and vocational training programs prepare young people for life. However, when it is time to consider their profession and career, there is often a lack of orientation for youth. On the other hand, companies increasingly struggle to find suitable employees.

The Talentcenter of the Styrian Economic Chamber sees itself as an orientation platform which supports young people in schools and training programs: It offers youth assistance in making the decisions to find a training program that is both right for them and will lead them to their goals.


To receive their results, young people can retrieve their individual Talent Report online the next day. The Talent Report is a written and graphical representation of the results that is easy to understand and offers a chance to actively engage with the topic of vocational orientation, including a list of suggestions for suitable occupations with different educational paths.




With vocational training, young people lay the corner stone for their careers and the rest of their lives. In finding a direction, interests and talents are important indicators. The Talentcheck helps to illuminate those that are most pronounced for each individual student and provides recommendations for future training and occupational opportunities. With the result – the personal Talentreport – it is easier for the student to orient themselves.

Facts & Figures for the Talentcenter

Floor space


Max. participants


Innovative Test Stations


Investment in €

3 Mio.

What else do we do

Our vacation programs